
Ashwin Sharma P
Apr 10, 2024


In the dark was I.
Disturbed by the frenziness,
and unwanted thoughts
Lonely and anxious.

Out of the blue you came,
Walking into my core,
becoming a part of me
stunning me entirely.

Arousing me from the lazy sleep,
bringing me back to life.
With every word you speak,
you allayed the anxiousness in me.

Soothing me with your charm
and with your infectious smile.
Inducing in me
a ray of hope and eagerness,
to look forward to a new day.

But just like that,
in the blink of an eye,
you weren’t there.
Leaving me with my thoughts,
making me think,
after all was it all a dream?



Ashwin Sharma P

A writer who loves to experiment. Learning the art of unopinion. If writings are helpful please support me here: